Finly Dade Starts at The Royal Theather studying at the conservatory at (?)


Finly Dade finishs at The Royal Theather studying at the conservatory at (?)


Finly Dade Starts working at The Crowned Lion at Malbourgh Town.


Earl Spring, Slim Bellerby has been appointed Lieutenant for Sir Leonard at Malbourgh castle, and Sir Benjamin and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh invite Slim Bellerby to The Crowned Lion to celebrate him.

At The Crowned Lion, Finly Dade and Bettina Hauck give a performance to celebrate the new Lieutenant.

Slim Bellerby is seduced by Finly Dade, who additionally gifts Slim Bellerby with a bang after he have entertained Sir Benjamin and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh.

Sir Leonard and Sir Benjamin laugh about it, and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh let his new Lieutenant sleep with Finly Dade.

Late Winter, Ginger Miller and Janet Riggs are getting married at the theatre.

Bettina Hauck and Finly Dade is playing the musik, and the old Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh presides over the wedding.

Maxie Barta joins the wedding, but Pete is grumpy and stays away.


Midsummer, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh asks Bettina Hauck, if she can hold a midsummer ball at the theatre?

Bettina Hauck thinks, it's a marvellous idea, and she'll talk with her husband and brother about it.

Bettina Hauck and Finly Dade are entering the stage and begin entertaining, and Slim Bellerby and Finly Dade are sending each other amorously glances.

Kari Bellerby grabs her chance, and gets dancing with her brother's boyfriend, Conrad Combler, while Moira Liebermannn is dancing with Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, Maxie Barta dancing with Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Janet dancing with Ginger Miller.

When Bettina Hauck and Finly Dade stops playing, Charles Riggs wants to go home. Janet Miller is hugging her brother goodbye, while Sir Leonard of Malbourgh is ordering more wine.

Maxie Barta, Janet and Ginger Miller, Moira Liebermannn, and Sir Leonard and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh are cheering, while Kari Bellerby snugly begins drinking wine with Conrad Combler, when Finly Dade comes to the table to kiss Slim Bellerby.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh becomes in a cheerfully, and gives his lieutenant, Slim Bellerby the night off to go with Finly Dade home, and cheerfullly asks for lodgings for his guard, Conrad Combler, and his brother, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and more wine.

At the apartment of Finly Dade, he's kissing and cuddling Slim Bellerby, before he asks him to remove all his clothers, and begins whipping him.

After having whipped Slim Bellerby with his whip, Finly Dade is punching him in his reare, and they fell in sleep together.

Next morning, Slim Bellerby get dressed, and after having kissed Finly Dade goodmorning, he goes looking for his master, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh.


Late Spring Slim Bellerby seeks comfort at Finly Date.

Early Winter Sir Leonard and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh are joining them too, with there bodygaurds, Slim Bellerby and Conrad and Silas Combler.

Finly Dade comes and play for them, and Slim Bellerby disapeares with Finly Dade.

Christmas Finly Dade arrives to play for the crowd of the dynasty.

Lady Valerie notices, Slim Bellerby stops kissing and cuddling with Conrad Combler and she needs to have Conrad Combler away, to get Slim Bellerby to kiss her, so she encorages Maxie Barta to dance with Conrad Combler.

Maxie Barta have had a peep at Conrad Combler while he and Kari Bellerby have been guarding her and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and she thinks he's quite a hansome block and that she can get some sort of revenge, if she make love with the guard of Sir Leonard, so she offers to dance with him.

Pet Barta finds Kari Bellerby very attracktive and he ofers to dance with her too, and the intoxicated Kari Bellerby accepts and dance with him to punish Conrad Combler to make Conrad Combler jaloux.

Moira Liebermann and Sir Benjamin joins them at the dance floor cuddling and dancing.

Lady Valerie makes a last attempt to kiss Slim Bellerby but he is still not interested in her.

When Finly Dade stops playing, Slim Bellerby joins him and they imediately start cuddling and kissing each other.

After some time, Slim Bellerby and Finly Dade goes home to Finly Dade to make love.


Late Summer, At the appartment of Finly Dade, Slim Bellerby gets his bum rubbed with Madam Sukri's baby balsam, and they discovers, the balsam do well as lubrication when they make love.

Early Winter When Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Moira Liebermannn go to sleep, Slim Bellerby goes to sleep with Finly Dade at his place next to The Crowned Lion.


Late Winter Sir Benjamin takes up his habit to go to The Crowned Lion to be with Moira Liebermannn at night.

As Lieutenant, Slim Bellerby follows him down to The Crowned Lion so. Thus can spend the night at his boyfriend Finly Dade.

They pick up their former routine, where Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Moira Liebermannn are sleeping together and Silas Combler and Kari Bellerby sleep together as their bodyguards, whilst Slim Bellerby is sleeping with Finly Dade at his place.

Early Spring To the anxiety of Slim Bellerby, Kari Bellerby starts drinking with her cousin, Moira Liebermannn, and her friend, Maxie Barta, at The Crowned Lion.

When Kari Bellerby and Moira Liebermannn gets tipy, Kari Bellerby kisses Moira. Moira thinks it's funny and soon they're kissing and cuddling like lovers.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh gets jaloux and smacks Moira Liebermannn.

Kari Bellerby gets very mad, and tells Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, it is none of his business. She can make a whoopee and kiss with everybody she likes to.

Moira Liebermannn gets very sad and promises Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh never to cannoodle with anybody but him, again.

Slim Bellerby tries to calm his unsober sister down and tells her, Sir Benjamin as her master has every right to decide whom she's kissing and cuddling with.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh redraws to their room to make up.

Kari have a fit and protests: It's not fair, Slim Bellerby can cannoodle with Conrad Combler at any time he likes to, but she can't make a whoopee with their cousin.

Maxie Barta gets mad and likes to know, what her fiancee, Conrad Combler, has been doing.

Finly Dade, wants to know, what Slim Bellerby have been doing.

Finly Dade, wants to know, what Slim Bellerby have been doing.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh had found it very esciding to watch the girls snogging, so she decides come her beloved, Slim Bellerby to his aid by suggesting, she'll take Kari Bellerby with her home to the castle, and to send Doug Wood as bodyguard instead.

Slim Bellerby accepts the proposal of Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and annoyed he orders Silas Combler to take Maxie Barta away, and to arrest her if necessary.

Silas Combler starts comfort Maxie Barta as best he can.

When Doug Wood arrives, Finly Dade have left in anger.

Spring Equinox, The fingers of Finly Dade starts hurting, and he goes to the pharmacy, to see if Buster Liebermann has anything to ease his pain.

Buster Liebermannn doesn't have any things, but Edward suggests, Finly Dade can try some of Madam Sukri's balsam.

Early Summer, Kari Bellerby talk with Finly Dade, and tells him, that she thinks Ruddy Locky is interested in men, and ask him to make a performance for the Turainian twins to entertain them while they are waiting for their weddings.

After the show Finly Dade starts kissing and cuddling with Ruddy Locky.

Midsummer, When the rumour of the early arrival of the Turainian twins to Malbourgh, their family start to arrive at Malbourgh too.

The uncle and aunt of the twins, Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wondon arrive with their cousins Sir Thomas of Wondon and Lady Stefanie with her fiancee David Smith, who is their bodyguard too, and the other oncle and aunt of the twins, Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric with their Children Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern, arrive together, as the Guttrician had traveled throgh Wondon and Grossbourgh to bypass the mountains of Lewinton with their bodyguard, Abe Walden.

Each family gets their own suite at The Crowmed Lion.

At the backstage of the theatre, Bettina Hauck introduces Eileen Twinley to the musicians for the weddings:

The brother of Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and his friend from The Royal Theatre at Kingston, Abe Walden, will be playing the music.

Abe Walden came some days ago from Guttric Shire and has got a son last year, so his wife stayed home at Guttric to nurce their child.

The weddings will stand in 9 days, and before that, Bettina Hauck plans to perform a show, as entertainment for the wedding guests.

Oreginal, Bettina Hauck had planed to dance at the weddings herself, but now that Eileen Twinley has turned up, Bettina Hauck likes to see her dance.

Eileen Twinley tries to dance a little to the music of Finly Dade and Abe Walden, and after having seen Eileen dancing, Bettina Hauck redecides, and Eileen gets to dance solo at the weddings, while she's playing the drumsherself.

After having agreed to meet at the theatre for practising tomorrow, Finly Dade shows Eileen Twinley to the pub at the theatre, where Sir Gareth of Lewinton sits with his family.

Finly Dade finds Ruddy Locky, and starts kissing and cuddling him, before he seattle beside him.

Eileen Twinley finds Sir Gareth of Lewinton, who embraises her, while he pushes Kari Bellerby away.

Amie Hauck is serving supper for them all.

Next afternoon at the backstage of the theatre, Eileen Twinley listening to Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden practice the music, and try dancing to the music.

Next Morning on the backstage of the theatre, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden are still working on the music for a Midsummer concert to entertain the wedding guests, while the are waiting for the weddings, and Eileen Twinley starts working on a dance to the music.

In the afternoon, Eileen Twinley keeps practicing dancing to the music, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden are making for her.

At supper, Eileen Twinley thanks for the day, and finds the suite of Sir Gareth of Lewinton.

Next morning, there is busy at the backstage of the theatre, because they have to entertain the wedding guests in two days and practice for the dance at the wedding.

First Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden are practice the music for the weddings, and Eileen Twinley practice her dance to it.

The tailor, Charles Riggs is stil working on her dress for the weddings, so Eileen Twinley likes to get the dress, she used for her habeas corpus at the carriage. Abe Walden follows her to the stable.

Abe Walden carries the dress and some of her kosmetric to the backstage of the theatre.

while Eileen Twinley redresses, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden starts practice the music for the Midsummer Consert. Then, Eileen Twinley practice her dance for the Midsummer Consert.

On the morning the day before the Midsummer Concert, Bettina Hauck wants to make sure, every thing is ready for the concert. Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade, Eileen Twinley and Abe Walden is practicing the performance again.

After the practice, Eileen Twinley is changing to her spare set of clothes, and Bettina Hauck takes her dress for washing before the concert and gives it to Niel Hauck, who'll do the washing.

At Lunch, Eileen Twinley and Abe Walden are talking. Eileen finds, Abe Walden is the cousin of Lady Maritha and Lady Samantha of Turian, who are getting married.

They spend the afternoon, practice the show on more time before the show tomorrw.

On the morning of the Midsummer Concert, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade, Abe Walden and Eileen Twinley are practicing for the last time before tonight's concert.

Ater Lunch, Amie Hauck and Jay Hauck are bringing Eileen Twinley her new washed dress and she redressing and puting on her cosmetrics for tonight's show.

Eileen Twinley spends the afternoon dressing up for tonight's show, while Abe Walden likes to spend some time with his cousins before they starts to play, so he goes to the theatre with Finly Dade, who had falling in love with Ruddy Locky.

At the launch area of the theatre, Abe Walden finds his family, Lady Maritha and Samantha of Turain with their bodygaurds Ruddy Locky, Sills Mayson and Janis Baker together with Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric and their children Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric.

Ruddy Locky and Finly Dade soon starts cuddling together.

After supper, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden enters the stage, and start play music.

As soon as Sir Leonard of Malbourgh hears the music, he dashes to the table, where Lady Samantha of Turain is sitting, and invites her to dance with him.

Samantha of Turain loves to dance with him, and they are dancing until the music stops.

When the music starts playing, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh eager grabs Slim Bellerby to drag him to the dance floor, and starts alluringly dancing with him.

Sean Dade askes Kari Bellerby, if she wants to dance? Kari likes to dance, and goes to the dance floor with him.

Sir Gareth of Lewinton sees, Moira Liebermannn is standing anxious by the situation, and asks her, if she wants to dance? Moira Liebermannn gratefully goes with Sir Gareth of Lewinton to the dance floor.

Lady Maritha of Turain loves to dance with Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, and he excords her to the dance floor, and they start dancing with each other.

Sills Mayson follows his lady to the dance floor, and his girlfriend, Jenis Baker, follows him. At the dance floor, Jenis Baker kisses Sills Mayson, and starts dancing with him, too.

Sir Peter Hurries to grab Hayley Locky and takes her to the dance Floor, where they are dancing and cuddling.

Sir George Fern, Lady Allyson of Guttric, Sir Ethan of Turain, Sharon Turain, Sir William, Lady Marisa of Wondon, Lady Stefanie of Wondon and David Smith formed dancing couples, too.

A clearly borred Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric asks Sir Thomas of Wondon, if he likes to dance with her? Sir Thomas shyly confirmes and Lady Josephine takes Sir Thomas to the dance floor, where she dances with him.

Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric hastens to the main table, to shyly ask, if Chantelle Wood like to dance with him.

Chantelle Wood thinks, he looks delightful, and starts dancing with him.

Charles Riggs sees, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric dragging away with one of the maids and swiftly invites the desirable Etta Combler to dance with him.

Charles Riggs is dancing close with Etta Combler and fondling her buns.

Finally, the brothers, Conrad and Silas Combler is dancing together.

Bettina Hauck annonces a small break in the show, and the audience returns to their seats.

Eileen Twinley enters the stage, and starts dancing a foxy dance.

while dancing, Eileen Twinley spots Sir Gareth of Lewinton sitting alone at one of the tables, and she ends up dancing juicy in front of him.

At last Eileen Twinley seductively invites Sir Gareth of Lewinton to dance with her.

When Sir Gareth of Lewinton start dancing, Sills Mayson, Jenis Baker, Sir George Fern, Lady Allyson of Guttric, Sir Ethan of Turain, Sharon Turain, Sir William, Lady Marisa of Wondon, Lady Stefanie of Wondon, David Smith, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, Lady Maritha of Turain, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain, Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky quikly start dancing together.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh giggly goes dancing and cuddling with Kari Bellerby.

Slim Bellerby goes to Conrad Combler and asks him to dance.

Charles Riggs leaves the children's table approaching the table of Etta Combler, to asks her to dance with him, but Chantelle Wood siftly blocks his away, and Etta Combler excapes to the table of Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and starts dancing with him.

Hence, Charles Riggs takes Chantelle Wood out for dancing.

When Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden finishing the playing, Eileen Twinley is hugging them all, and thanks them for the dance, and says goodnight until tomorrw. Then Eileen Twinley and Sir Garthe of Lewinton amorously return to lodging of Sir Gareth of Lewinton.

Finly Dade is kissing Ruddy Locky, while Sir Leonard of Malbourgh kisses Lady Samantha of Turain goodnight.

When Lady Samantha of Turain had kissed Sir Leonard goodnight, she lockes her in to her room and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh leaves with Slim Bellerby, and Ruddy Locky and Conrad Combler are stading guard at her suite.

When Conrad Combler has watched Finly Dade and Ruddy Locky kissing and cuddling for a while, he suggests Finly Dade takes Ruddy Locky with him home to make love, while he takes the guard alone.

Early in the morning next day, Ruddy Locky kisses Finly Dade goodmorning and hurries to the accommodations of the theatre to guard Lady Samantha of Turain before somebody realize, he had been shagging with Finly all night.

Finly Dade gets dressed, and dashes to the back stage of the theatre to meet his sister there.

Abe Walden soon arrives at the theatre, too, and he and Finly Dade start practice some music.

When Bettina Hauck arrives, she and Finly Dade hugs each other, and Bettina start practicing with Finly and Abe Walden.

Eileen Twinley cheeringly arrives as the last of the ochestra. After having hugged Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden, they start practicing.

David Smith arrives at the back stage with Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain with her bodyguard, Ruddy Locky, to the artists, and Lady Samantha can thank the artists for the show last night.

Ruddy Locky immediately kisses Finly Dade, and while Lady Samantha of Turain is flattering the orchestra, Finly is cuddling Ruddy.

Appaerently, David Smith and Abe Walden have studied at The Royal Theatre together and are embarrassing each other.

David Smith, too, knows the brother of Eileen Twinley, Joseph, and David and Lady Samantha of Turain are flattering her, too.

At Lunch, Bettina Hauck wants the visitors out, and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain, Ruddy Locky and David Smith are leaving the back stage.

In the afternoon, Eileen Twinley is practicing the dance for the weddeds while Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden are practicing the music.

At the theatre next morning, Eileen Twinley is hugging Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden goodmorning, and assuring them, that the dress is ready as soon as Charles Riggs has fitted it.

Eileen Twinley suggests, Etta Combler helps har find some cosmetics at the pharmacy, while the rest are practicing the rest of the morning.

In the afternoon at the theatre, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden are flattering the new dress, before Eileen Twinley practice her dance the rest of the afternoon.

In the evening, Eileen Twinley changes to her old dress, hiding the new dress at theatre, before she she goes home for supper, and to see if Sir Gareth of Lewinton still is in need to make her satisfied.

At supper, Finly Dade and Abe Walden joins Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain with her bodygaurd, Ruddy Lockey, and David Smith after the had practised.

Finly Dade immediately starts kissing and cuddling with Ruddy Lockey, until Niel Hauck is serving them all supper.

When the night comes, Lady Samantha of Turain resigns to her room, and her her bodygaurd stands guard as usual with Conrad Combler, while Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Slim Bellerby retreats to the castle.

Ruddy Lockey and Finly Dade are kissing and cuddling until Conrad Combler promise them, to keep the guard alone. Then they desapeare to the appartment of Finly Dade.

At the appartment of Finly Dade, he wants Ruddy Locky to rub him with Madam Sukri's balsam, before they make love.

The day before the weddings, Eileen Twinley, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade, Abe Walden are practicing all day.

In the evening, Eileen Twinley gives her dress to Bettina Hauck, so that Niel can wash it before the weddings.

Then Eileen Twinley retrive to eat supper with Sir Gareth of Lewinton.

At the morning of the weddings, Ruddy Lockey wakes up with Finly Dade, to find, they have overslept.

Ruddy Lockey kissed Finly Dade goodmorning, and jumping in to his clothers, he rushes to the suite at The Crowmed Liom.

Niel Hauck is returning the dress to Eileen Twinley.

Eileen Twinley spends the rest of the morning dressing up for her her performance at the weddings.

At lunch, Eileen Twinley, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden have lunch together.

In the afternoon, Niel Hauck packs a carriage, to transport Bettina and Jay Hauck, Finly Dade, Abe Walden, Eileen Twinley, Roger and Amie Hauck to the castle.

At the weddings When Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh is married, Finly Dade, Abe Walden and Jay Hauck starts playing music, and the wedded couples have to dance together.

When the wedding couples have finished dancing, Bettina Hauck and Eileen Twinley performed a dance.

After the show Finly Dade, Abe Walden and Jay Hauck are playing music, and Moira starts dancing with Doug Wood, whom is gaurding for Lady Valerie of Malbourgh. She is dance with Pete Barta near Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lady Maritha of Turain.

Thus, Moira Liebermann gets close to Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, whom is dancing with Lady Maritha of Turain.

Etta Combler starts dancing with the hansome guard of Sir Gareth of Lewinton and Eileen Twinley, Ricco Hill, to avoid embarrassing questions about what her brother, Silas Combler, is doing.

Lady Stefanie of Wondon and her boyfriend, David Smith, dance with each other.

A bewildered servant girl, Chantelle Wood asks Sir Thomas of Wondon if he wants to dance. Sir Thomas is flattered, and agrees to dance with her.

Late Summer Before Lady Stefanie of Wondon and David Smith and their daughter Sophie go home, they have decided to get married next year. They ask, if Finly Dade and Abe Walden can come to Wondon to play at their wedding. The both promise to do so.

Early Autumn at Finly Dades appartment Bettina Hauck finds his brother with Ruddy Locky, who has stayed after the weddings, and she asks him to make a performance. He'll ask their brother, Sean Dade to come and help them playing.

At The Crowned Lion, Then, Finly and Sean Dade arrives and they starts to performe with Bettina Hauck.

Pete Barta starts dancing with Janet Miller, Lady Valerie dances with Slim Bellerby, Conrad Combler dances with Kari Bellerby and Edward Liebermann and Etta Combler get ingaged in a strange cuddlely dance with Edward Liebermann and Chantelle Wood dances with Charles Riggs.

Maxie Barta starts dancing with Silas Combler, but when an intoxicated Kari Bellerby see it, she smacks Maxie Barta, and accuses her of trying to steal all of her boyfriends.

Maxie Barta gets mad and complains, it was Kari Combler, who have stolen Silas Combler from her and then they starts fighting.

Silas Combler snags Kari Bellerby to hold her tight and Conrad Combler snags Maxie Barta and holds her tight, too, in order to to seperate them.


Midsommer at Rooster Claw, Sir Leonard, Lady Samantha and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg with their nanny, Chantelle Wood, and their bodyguard, Slim Bellerby, and their companions, Finly Dade and Ruddy Locky meet David Smith and Lady Stefanie of Wondon and their daughter, Sophie, who are preparing the nearby Wondon Tower for his wedding.

Lady Samantha of Malbourg makes excueses for Lady Maritha of Turain for not comming to the wedding.

Lady Stefanie of Wondon advices her cousin, Lady Samantha of Malbourgh to stay at The Rooster Claw, since the inn is large and close to Wondon Tower, where the wedding will take place.

Lady Stefanie of Wondon asks her cousin too, if she can take care of her daughter Sophie Smith, while she's preparing for the wedding.

Lady Samantha of Malbourgh answars, Chantelle Wood can take care of Sophie Smith, too.

When Sir Thomas of Wondon arrives to The Rooster Claw with the newly married Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens, Chantelle Wood is a bit discontemped with the fact, she now has to care for both Sir Patrick Jr. and Sophie Smith,

Sir Thomas of Wondon tries to cheer Chantelle Wood up by cuddle her, but he does get a kiss or a hug back, though.

Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens start rehearsing the entertainment for the weddeding with Finly Dade.

Late Summer, Abe, Selina and Dawe Walden arives at The Rooster Claw.

Abe and Selina Walden are eger to join Finly Dade and Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens in their rehearsels, but they need somebody to look after Dawe Walden.

Anxious to make a good impression on Chantelle Wood, Sir Thomas of Wondon suggests he and Chantelle shall be taking care of Dawe Walden, however, Chantelle Wood looks like she can kill him.

Then, Abe Walden, Finly Dade and Rowan Frederic Owens start practising the music for the wedding, while Selina Walden and Sherry Owens are practise dancing to the music.

While they all are rehearsing, Sherry Owens invites the couples Finly Dade and Ruddy Locky and Abe and Selina Walden home to Wonden Town after the wedding, so Finly Dade and Abe Walden can buy new instruments at har brother, Frank Noneman.

On the morning of the wedding, the Guttricians comes to Rooster Claw. After greetings with the Malbourghians, the all go to Wondon Tower with the entertainers and Sir Thomas of Wondon.

At Wondon Tower, the entertainers, Abe and Selina Walden, Finly Dade, Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens, arrive to the wedding from Rooster Claw, too.

When wedding ceromony is over, Abe and Selina Walden, Finly Dade, Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens starts the music.

Flynn Flower is scouting for Chantelle Wood, when Lady Josephine of Guttric approaches him and asks, if he wants to dance. Thus they starts to dance.

At the dancefloor, Lady Josephine of Guttric and Flynn Flower are soon joined by Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky, who forms an other dancing couple.

Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and Moyo Wardon start dancing, kissing and cuddling on the dancefloor, too.

When thre cosin of Flynn Flower, Sir Thomas of Wonden, takes Chantelle Wood to the dancefloor, she's a bit annoyed, but dances with Sir Thomas of Wonden anyway.

The cosin of Flynn Flower, Maya Reise, enters the dancefloor and interrupt Sir Arnold of Guttric and Moyo Wardon gulbing each other.

Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and Maya Reise starts dancing for a while, whilst Moyo Wardon starts dancing with Ruddy Locky.

After having danced for a while, Maya Reise kisses Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and tells him, she is thirsty and like a drink.

Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric takes Maya Reise to the tables with drinks, and offers her one.

When Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric sees her brother, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric, leaving the dancefloor with Maya Reise drink with Maya Reise, she wants to join her brother and have a drink, too.

Flynn Flower takes Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric to the tables to give her a drink.

Flynn Flower have a drink, too, and sipping on it, while he's watching Chantelle Wood dancing with his cousin, Sir Thomas of Wonden.

Sir Thomas of Wonden and Chantelle Wood comes to the tables, too, and he offers her a drink.

While Chantelle Wood is toasting with Sir Thomas of Wonden, she's rubbing her bum at Flynn Flower.

Sir Arnold of Guttric starts kissing Maya Reise.

Filled with hatred and jealousy, Moyo Wardon dashes to the tables to smack her boyfriend, Sir Arnold of Guttric, because he had kissed Maya Reise.

Ruddy Locky is following Moyo Wardon close behind.

When Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric tries to make excuses, Moyo Wardon kicks him in his balls, too; and tells Maya Reise to stay away from her boyfriend.

Now, Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric gets mad on behalf of her brother, and starts to argue with Moyo Wardon.

Meanwhile, Maya Reise tries to nurse Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric by giving him a large hooch to dull his pain.

Moyo Wardon sees it, and Maya Reise have to dodge a stroke from Moyo Wardon.

Now, Sir Thomas of Wonden feels obligated to defend his cousin, Maya Wardon, and starts to argue with Moyo Wardon and backs Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric up.

Moyo Wardon gets so furious, she gives Sir Thomas of Wonden a mouse, before Ruddy Locky can grab her, and take her away to calm her down.

Now, the brother of Maya Reise, Alexander, steps in and want to arrest Moyo Wardon as the local sheriff.

Ruddy Locky, having Moyo Wardon in a tight clasp, promis to take care of Moyo Wardon, and make her behave for the rest of the night.

Feeling a bit responsible, by stealing Moyo Wardon's boyfriend, Maya Reise makes her brother, Alexander Reise, let Moyo Wardon go with a warning.

When alone, Moyo Wardon starts crying in the arms of Ruddy Locky.

Ruddy Locky holds Mojo Wardon tight and tells her, that's how the nobilities do. Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric is supposed to find an other lady of nobility.

Ruddy Locky tells Mojo Wardon, he thinks she's lovely, and then he kisses her.

Mojo Wardon thinks Ruddy Locky is sweet, and she and Ruddy start dancing tenderly.

Hayley Locky leads Sir Peter of Turain closer to Ruddy Locky and Moyo Wardon dancing, and she asks her brother, what's going on?

Hayley Locky suggest, Sir Peter of Turain and Moyo Wardon shall dance with each other, while she talks with her brother, Ruddy Locky.

When Moyo Wardon and Sir Peter of Turain come dancing close to an intoxicated Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric who is dancing Maya Reise, Moyo Wardon decides to try make Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric jaloux by kissing Sir Peter of Turain in order to win Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric back.

Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric is tu busy snuggling Maya Reise to notice Moyo Wardon, but Sir Peter of Turain likes Moyo Wardon's kissing and starts kissing Moyo Wardon intimately.

Hayley Locky notice Sir Peter of Turain and Moyo Wardon kissing passionately, and jump up to smack Moyo Wardon.

A bit intoxicated, Moyo Wardon strikes back at Hayley Locky.

Alexander Reise has lost his patience and arrests Moyo Wardon.

This time, Ruddy Locky stands with his sister, Hayley Locky, and does not help Moyo Wardon.

Alexander Reise have Edwin Rowley and his sister, Dominic Rowley, driving Moyo Wardon to the dungeon at Wonden Castle.

At the end of wedding night, the musicians stop the music and prepare to go home.

Selina Walden has to pick up Dawe Walden from Annika Turain and Claire Wharton, who kindly have looked after Dawe Walden all night and thank them for it.

Claire Wharton is grumpy and disappointed because she didn't got a chance to dance with Sir Thomas of Wonden.

Meanwhile, Abe Walden asks Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric for permission to go to Wonden Town to buy an instrument.

Sir George Fern of Guttric gives them permission, and they agrees on, Sir George Fern of Guttric shall wait for Abe and Selina Walden at The Goblet at Sharton.

At the meantime, Finly Dade and Ruddy Locky start to quarrel. Finly Dade thinks Ruddy Locky was kissing and hugging Moyo Wardon too intimately.

While Ruddy Locky is talkning with his sister, Hayley Locky, Finly Dade goes to Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourg to ask for permission for them to stay at Wonden Town for a while for him to buy an new instrument.

Inspite of protests from Chantelle Wood, Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh shall wait for Finly Dade and Ruddy Locky at The Rooster Claw with their servants, Slim Bellerby and Chantelle Wood.

Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wonden are taken the guests, who are staying at Wonden Castle from Wonden Tower:

Ernest and Lady Philomena Flower and the sheriff, Richie Rowan Brant.

Sir Ethan of Turain and his wife, Sharon and their Children Annika and Gielgud Turain, Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky, who are arguing over the kiss of Moyo Wardon-

Kirk Wharton and his daughter, Claire Wharton, who is disappointed, she didn't got to dance with Sir Thomas-

Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens, Abe and Selina Walden with their son Dawe and Finly Dade and Ruddy Locky arguing over Moyo Wardon.

At Wonden Town the companions are splitting up:

Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens are sleeping at home.

Kirk and Claire Wharton is going to sleep at the sister of Kirk Wharton, Rosalin Warren at The Old Witch.

Claire Wharton and Annika Turain agrees to meet again next day.

Finly Dade and Ruddy Locky, Abe and Selina Walden and their son, Dawe are supposed to have a room at The Old Witch too, but since they all were arguing over Moyo Wardon, Ruddy and Hayley Locky have a room for them self-

Sir William and Marisa of Wonden, Ernest and Lady Philomena Flower and the sheriff, Richie Rowan Brant and Sir Ethan of Turain and his wife, Sharon and their Children Annika and Gielgud Turain, Sir Peter of Turain continue to the castle.

Next day at The Old Witch, Sir William of Wonden enters with Alexander Reise, Natan Meligan and Annika Turain.

Sir William of Wonden is looking for Sir Thomas of Wonden and Flynn Flower, since non of them have returned to the castle after the wedding.

Finly Dade thinks Flynn Flower is the boy, whom is with the maid of his masters, Chantelle Wood, at The Roster Claw.

Abe and Selina Walden have seen, Sir Thomas of Wonden and Maya Reise escording Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson home after the wedding, and that they both shall be at The Goblet in Sharton.

Alexander Reise stats, no matter how annoying, his sister, Maya Reise, might be, she'll take care of Sir Thomas. Hence, he suggesting, they start looking for Flynn Flower at The Roster Claw, and go to the Sharton next day from there to look for Sir Thomas of Wonden and Maya Reise.

On the way out, Sir William of Wonden, Alexander Reise and Natan Meligan meet Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens, whom arrives at The Old Witch to see their friends.

It appaeres, that Sherry Owens' brother, Frank Noneman, has his workshop next to The Old Witch, so Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens, Abe Walden and Finly Dade go mext door to buy instruments, while Selina and Dawe Walden, Hayley and Ruddy Locky, Annika Turain and Claire Wharton are enjoying themself at The Old Witch.

Kirk Wharton and Rosalin Warren are intertaining each other.

At the carpenter workshop, Finly Dade and Abe Walden look at the instruments, Frank Noneman have on stock, and pick an instrument each.

Frank Noneman need to do some adjustments on the instruments before they can get their instruments.

In the evening, Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens, Abe Walden and Finly Dade return to The Old Witch, while Frank Noneman adjusts their instruments.

Rowan Frederic and Abe Walden starts composing a new son 'Moyo the Witch'.

Finly Dade, Ruddy and Hayley Locky sits and talk, and Finly Dade and Ruddy Locky agrees to break up, so Ruddy Dade goes with the Turainians home, while Finly Dade goes with the Malbourghians home.

At the end of Late Summer, Finley Dade returns to The Rooster Claw with his new instrument, he have bought at Frank Noneman, but his have breaked up with Ruddy Locky, whom have joint the Turainians to go home to Turain.

Slim Bellerby comforts Finley Dade, but though they have lost a guard, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh finds it safe, to head home for Malbourgh.

Early Autumn, Thus, it's a very sad company, that starts travieling toward Malbourgh Castle from the Rooster Claw. Finly Dade misses Ruddy Locky and Chantelle Wood misses Flynn Flower.

Slim Bellerby is comforting Finly Dade, and Chantelle Wood seaks comfort at Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh.

When they reached Grossbourgh Castle, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh decides, they need a break, and askes the captain of Grossbourgh, Desmond Jamison, if they can rest at Grossbourgh Castle for a while before they move on.

Sir Leon and Lady Mildred Of Grossbourgh inviate them to stay at Grossbourgh.

Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourg get very well along with Sir Goeffrey Heaton and Lady Petra of Grossbourgh at Grossbourgh.

The sister of Sir Goeffrey Heaton, Lady Mary Heaton Curry, had moved to Nooxy 10 years ago when she married, and the Malbourghian got her old rooms at the castle.

Slim Bellerby and Finly Dade get the old guardroom, whereas Desmond Jamison provides a room of her own for Chantelle Wood.

Autumn Equinox Sir Leonard, Lady Samantha and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg with their nanny, Chantelle Wood make a stop for a social visit at Grossbourgh Castle.

At Grossbourgh, they are spending time with Sir Goeffrey Heaton and Lady Petra of Grossbourgh and their children Sir Leonard Heaton, Lady Denice Heaton and Lady Fraya Heaton, whom is peer to Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg.

Lady Fraya Heaton and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg are playing at Grossbourgh Castle.

Chantelle Wood and Desmond Jamison, the captain of the Grossbourghian Army, whom are supervising Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg, fall in love with each other.

Late Autumn Sir Leonard, Lady Samantha and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg with their nanny, Chantelle Wood return to Malbourg Castle. Slim Bellerby and Finly Dade have made up and are now an item again.